In WordPress development, Hooks are functions that can be applied to an Action or a Filter. Actions and Filters in WordPress are functions that can be modified by theme and plugin developers to change the default WordPress functionality. It is important to note that actions and filters are not the same thing. Actions are functions performed when a certain event occurs in WordPress. Filters allow you to modify certain functions. A simple way to create actions and snippets in WordPress directly from the dashboard is the plugin Code Snippets. Simple guide on hooks
Below you can find the Actions and Filters that are available to modify the Udesly WP plugin.
Action Hooks allow you to insert custom code at various points (wherever the hook is run).
Before form sent
Fired before form get’s saved to database/sent by email.
do_action('udesly/ajax/contact/before_form_sent', array $form_data)
- $form_data: associative array containing the data sent by the form, e.g:
is the field with the name email;
This action can be used for example to prevent a form to be sent in certain conditions: (for example, an user not logged in, or a form data is invalid and so on!)
The example below prevents the usage of forms for not logged in users. Since it’s an ajax call, to stop execution of the process, you just need to use
, both functions automatically callwp_die
function mytheme_disable_forms_for_not_loggedin_users($form_data) {
if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
wp_send_json_error("Only logged in users can send forms!");
add_action('udesly/ajax/contact/before_form_sent', 'mytheme_disable_forms_for_not_loggedin_users' );
After form Sent
Fired after a form get’s saved to database/sent to email.
do_action('udesly/ajax/contact/after_form_sent', array $form_data)
- $form_data: associative array containing the data sent by the form, e.g:
is the field with the name email;
This action can be used for example to log a form data into a file or to send it to a third party API and so on.
function mytheme_save_to_debug_log($form_data) {
error_log( var_export( $form_data, true ) );
add_action('udesly/ajax/contact/before_form_sent', 'mytheme_save_to_debug_log' );
On registration Success
Fired after a new user get’s registered by using the Registration Form
do_action('udesly/ajax/registration_success', int $user_id );
- $user_id: integer that contains the new user
This action can be used for example to log how many registrations you received into a day;
function mytheme_on_registration_success($user_id) {
send_event_to_google_analytics('new_user'); // Define this function somewhere else
add_action('udesly/ajax/registration_success', 'mytheme_on_registration_success' );
Note! This is pseudo code, the function
is just an example, and probably doesn’t exists!
Filter Hooks allow you to manipulate and return a variable.
Do never forget to return the variable you are going to modify with the filter! Or your server will die ☠️
Contact Form Options
Filter that can be used to modify the contact options
apply_filters('udesly/params/contact_form_options', array $config_options, array $form_data)
- $config_options: associative array containing the options used to send the form, by default it has this form:
$config_options = array(
'on_send_form' => 'both', // valid values can be both, only_save, only_send
'email_to' => 'admin@email', // there's also another filter that can be used to change this paramenter
'email_subject' => 'New message from your site', // there's also another filter that can be used to change this parameter
- $form_data: associative array containing the data sent by the form, e.g:
is the field with the name email;
This filter can be used for example to change the parameter on_send_form
, based on the user type:
function mytheme_modify_contact_options($contact_options, $form_data) {
// if the user is admin do not send email, only save to the database;
if (current_user_can('administrator')) {
$contact_options['on_send_form'] = "only_save";
return $contact_options;
add_filter('udesly/params/contact_form_options', 'mytheme_modify_contact_options', 10, 2);
Mail To
Filter that allows to modify the email to parameter;
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/contact/mail_to', string $mail_to, array $form_data)
- $mail_to: string containing the email recipient;
- $form_data: associative array containing the data sent by the form, e.g:
is the field with the name email;
This filter can be used for example to change the email recipient based on a form value;
function mytheme_modify_mail_to($mail_to, $form_data) {
// if the form field foo is set to bar send to another email;
if ("bar" === $form_data["foo"]) {
$mail_to = "[email protected]";
return $mail_to;
add_filter('udesly/ajax/contact/mail_to', 'mytheme_modify_mail_to', 10, 2);
Mail CCs
Filter that allows to modify the email ccs parameter;
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/contact/mail_ccs', array $mail_ccs, array $form_data)
- $mail_ccs: array containing the email recipients;
- $form_data: associative array containing the data sent by the form, e.g:
is the field with the name email;
This filter can be used for example to change the email recipients based on a form value;
function mytheme_modify_mail_ccs($mail_ccs, $form_data) {
// if the form field foo is set to bar add to ccs to another email;
if ("bar" === $form_data["foo"]) {
// Also send the email to [email protected]
$mail_ccs[] = "[email protected]";
return $mail_ccs;
add_filter('udesly/ajax/contact/mail_ccs', 'mytheme_modify_mail_ccs', 10, 2);
Mail Subject
Filter that allows to modify the subject parameter;
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/contact/mail_subject', string $mail_subject, array $form_data)
- $mail_subject: string containing the email subject;
- $form_data: associative array containing the data sent by the form, e.g:
is the field with the name email;
This filter can be used for example to change the subject based on a form value;
function mytheme_modify_mail_subject($email_subject, $form_data) {
// if the form field foo is set to bar add to ccs to another email;
if ("bar" === $form_data["foo"]) {
// Also send the email to [email protected]
$email_subject = "Received a new request with foo = bar";
return $email_subject;
add_filter('udesly/ajax/contact/mail_subject', 'mytheme_modify_mail_subject', 10, 2);
Mail Message
Filter that allows to modify the message parameter;
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/contact/mail_message', string $mail_message, array $form_data)
- $mail_message: string containing the email message;
- $form_data: associative array containing the data sent by the form, e.g:
is the field with the name email;
This filter can be used for example to change the format of the message, below you find how by default the message is constructed;
function mytheme_modify_mail_message($email_message, $form_data) {
$message = __( 'Someone sent a message from ' ) . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . __( ':' ) . "\r\n\r\n";
foreach ($form_data as $key => $value) {
$key = sanitize_key($key);
$value = sanitize_textarea_field($value);
$form_data[$key] = $value;
$message .= ucfirst($key) . ": " . $value . "\r\n";
return $message;
add_filter('udesly/ajax/contact/mail_message', 'mytheme_modify_mail_message', 10, 2);
Mail Headers
Filter that allows to modify the headers parameter;
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/contact/headers', array $headers, array $form_data)
- $headers: array containing all the headers;
- $form_data: associative array containing the data sent by the form, e.g:
is the field with the name email;
This filter can be used for example to change the headers of the message;
function mytheme_modify_mail_headers($headers, $form_data) {
// if the form field foo is set to bar add an header;
if ("bar" === $form_data["foo"]) {
$headers[] = "X-Priority: 1"; // Urgent message!
return $headers;
add_filter('udesly/ajax/contact/headers', 'mytheme_modify_mail_headers', 10, 2);
Secure Cookies
Filter that can modify the option use secure cookie on login, by default secure cookie are disabled, this means that users logged in from frontend, will need to login the same from backend to access the WordPress dashboard.
apply_filters('udesly/params/use_secure_cookie', bool $use_secure_cookie, string $user_login );
- $use_secure_cookie: boolean;
- $user_login: string that can be the email or the username;
This filter can be used for example to set use secure cookie to true for every user:
add_filter('udesly/params/use_secure_cookie', '__return_true');
or to set use secure cookie to true for just one user:
function mytheme_change_use_secure_cookie($use_secure_cookie, $user_login) {
if ("admin_username" === $user_login || "[email protected]" === $user_login) {
$use_secure_cookie = true;
return $use_secure_cookie;
add_filter('udesly/params/use_secure_cookie', 'mytheme_change_use_secure_cookie', 10, 2);
Login Error Message
Filter that can modify the message sent to the user when his credentials are invalid.
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/login/error_message', string $error_message );
- $error_message: string that contains the default error message sent back by the function
, by default WordPress is pretty explicit on this error, and will also give you messages like “The email is correct, but the password it’s not correct”, this can be used by attackers to enumerate your users email and then bruteforce their passwords, it’s a good practice to change this error message to always something pretty generic, like “Invalid Credentials”.
function mytheme_change_login_error_message($error_message) {
return "Sorry you can't login with these credentials :(";
add_filter('udesly/ajax/login/error_message', 'mytheme_change_login_error_message');
Password Strenght
Filter that can be used to refuse some passwords too simple.
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/register_password/strength_check', bool $valid, string $password );
- $valid: boolean
- $password: string
For example you can write a filter to prevent the usage of password that are lower than 10 characters:
function mytheme_check_password_strength($valid, $password) {
if (strlen($password) < 10) {
$valid = false;
return $valid;
add_filter('udesly/ajax/register_password/strength_check', 'mytheme_check_password_strength', 10, 2);
Password Strenght Error message
Filter that can be used to change the error message for invalid passwords.
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/register_password/strength_check_message', string $error_message );
- $error_message: string, by default the error message is “The password is invalid”
function mytheme_change_password_strength_message($error_message) {
return "The password is too short, it should be at least 10 characters long!";
add_filter('udesly/ajax/register_password/strength_check_message', 'mytheme_change_password_strength_message');
Lost Password Invalid Email Message
Filter that can be used to change the error message when user asks for a reset password link
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/lost_password/invalid_email_message', string $error_message );
- $error_message: string, by default the error message is “There is no user registered with that email address.”
function mytheme_change_lp_invalid_email_message($error_message) {
return "There's no user registered with this email/username.";
add_filter('udesly/ajax/lost_password/invalid_email_message', 'mytheme_change_lp_invalid_email_message');
Passwordless Login Invalid Email Message
Filter that can be used to change the error message when user asks for a magic login link with an uknown email
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/passwordless_login/no_user_message', string $error_message );
- $error_message: string, by default the error message is “No user with this email!”
function mytheme_change_pl_invalid_email_message($error_message) {
return 'This mail is not registered on our systems, <a href="/register">register here</a>';
add_filter('udesly/ajax/passwordless_login/no_user_message', 'mytheme_change_pl_invalid_email_message');
Passwordless Registration Email already in use
Filter that can be used to change the error message when user asks for a magic registration link with an already used email
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/passwordless_registration/email_already_in_use_message', string $error_message );
- $error_message: string, by default the error message is “This email is already in use!”
function mytheme_change_pr_used_email_message($error_message) {
return 'This mail is already in use <a href="/login">login here</a>';
add_filter('udesly/ajax/passwordless_registration/email_already_in_use_message', 'mytheme_change_pr_used_email_message');
Magic Links token expiration
Filter that allows to change the token expiration duration (expressed in seconds)
apply_filters('udesly/params/token_expiration', int $expiration );
- $expiration: int, by default 300.
add_filter('udesly/params/token_expiration', function($expiration) {
return 600;
Too many login attempts
Filter that can be used to change the error message when user asked for too many magic links.
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/login/too_many_attempts', string $error_message );
- $error_message: string, by default the error message is “Try again later! Limit on email requests reached, try again in few minutes”
function mytheme_change_pr_too_many_message($error_message) {
return 'Wait 5 minutes before asking for a new login link';
add_filter('udesly/ajax/login/too_many_attempts', 'mytheme_change_pr_too_many_message');
Login Email Subject
Filter that can be used to change the login subject when user asks for a magic link
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/login/email_subject', string $subject );
- $subject: string, by default the subject is “Login to [site name]”
add_filter('udesly/ajax/login/email_subject', function($subject) {
return "Press on the link to login to MySite!";
Registration Email Subject
Filter that can be used to change the registration subject when user asks for a magic link
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/register/email_subject', string $subject );
- $subject: string, by default the subject is “Register to [site name]”
add_filter('udesly/ajax/register/email_subject', function($subject) {
return "Press on the link to confirm the registration to MySite!";
Edit Email Subject
Filter that can be used to change the edit email subject when user asks for an email change
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/edit_email/email_subject', string $subject );
- $subject: string, by default the subject is “Email change confirmation [site name]”
add_filter('udesly/ajax/edit_email/email_subject', function($subject) {
return "Press on the link to confirm the email change to MySite!";
Login Email Message
Filter that can be used to change the login message when user asks for a magic link
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/login/email_message', string $message, string $login_url );
- $message: string;
- $login_url: string;
Do not forget to print the login_url into the message, otherwise the email will kinda be useless!
function mytheme_change_magic_login_message($message, $login_url) {
return sprintf("Hello! Login at MySite! by visiting this url: <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank noreferrer noopener\">Login</a>", $login_url);
add_filter('udesly/ajax/login/email_message', 'mytheme_change_magic_login_message', 10, 2);
Registration Email Message
Filter that can be used to change the registration message when user asks for a magic link
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/register/email_message', string $message, string $register_url );
- $message: string;
- $register_url: string;
Do not forget to print the register_url into the message, otherwise the email will kinda be useless!
function mytheme_change_magic_register_message($message, $register_url) {
return sprintf("Hello! Register at MySite! by visiting this url: <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank noreferrer noopener\">Register</a>", $register_url);
add_filter('udesly/ajax/register/email_message', 'mytheme_change_magic_register_message', 10, 2);
Edit Email Message
Filter that can be used to change the edit email message when user asks for a magic link
apply_filters('udesly/ajax/edit_email/email_message', string $message, string $url );
- $message: string;
- $url: string;
Do not forget to print the url into the message, otherwise the email will kinda be useless!
function mytheme_change_edit_email_message($message, $url) {
return sprintf("Hello! Confirm your email change by visiting this url: <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank noreferrer noopener\">Confirm</a>", $url);
add_filter('udesly/ajax/edit_email/email_message', 'mytheme_change_edit_email_message', 10, 2);
WP_Query Args
Every WP_Query created with the Udesly App has a dynamic filter that can be used to modify the arguments sent to the WP_Query
apply_filters('udesly/posts/${query_name}', array $args );
- $args: associative array containing the parameters of the query;
function mytheme_filter_homepage_posts($args) {
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
$args['post_status'] = 'future'; // show only posts scheduled for future
return $args;
add_filter('udesly/posts/homepage-posts', 'mytheme_filter_homepage_posts');
Note, it’s better if you also read this document
WP_Term_Query Args
Every WP_Term_Query created with the Udesly App has a dynamic filter that can be used to modify the arguments sent to the WP_Query
apply_filters('udesly/terms/${query_name}', array $args );
- $args: associative array containing the parameters of the query;
function mytheme_filter_homepage_terms($args) {
$args['hide_empty'] = true; // Hide terms that do not have any associated post
return $args;
add_filter('udesly/terms/homepage-terms', 'mytheme_filter_homepage_terms');
Note, it’s better if you also read this document
Post Type Args
Filter that allows to modify arguments that will be passed to register_post_type
apply_filters('udesly/post_type/args', array $args, string $post_type);
- $args: associative array containing the parameters of the post_type;
- $post_type: slug of the post type, e.g: event
function mytheme_filter_post_type_args($args, $post_type) {
if ($post_type == "team-member") {
$args['menu_icon'] = 'dashicons-groups';
return $args;
add_filter('udesly/post_type/args', 'mytheme_filter_post_type_args', 10, 2);
Taxonomy Args
Filter that allows to modify arguments that will be passed to register_taxonomy
apply_filters('udesly/taxonomy/args', array $args, string $taxonomy);
- $args: associative array containing the parameters of the post_type;
- $post_type: slug of the post type, e.g: event
function mytheme_filter_taxonomy_args($args, $taxonomy) {
if ($taxonomy == "event-category") {
$args['description'] = 'This is the new description of the taxonomy';
return $args;
add_filter('udesly/taxonomy/args', 'mytheme_filter_taxonomy_args', 10, 2);